Прожженный человек это: Значение слова ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ. Что такое ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ?

Прожжённость Прожжённый | Что такое Прожжённость Прожжённый

— Я сам в молодости такой прожженный негодяй был, что

днем с огнем поискать. И карты, и пьянство, и дебош — всего было!

Салтыков-Щедрин, Мелочи жизни.

    Прожжёность как качество личности –  способность быть в какой-то сфере жизни закоренелым, матёрым, очень опытным, бывалым, много повидавшим, отъявленным.

        Поезд прибыл на конечную станцию. Проводник заходит в купе, а там трое знакомых ему прожжённых катал сидят, плюются. – Что случилось? Отравились? Один из катал рассказывает: — Четвёртой в нашем купе была молодая женщина, козырная, хорошо одетая, ухоженная. Но сразу видно невооружённым глазом – лохушка, каких поискать. Таких десятерых одной шапкой накрыть можно. Мы, как всегда, сделали вид, что незнакомы друг с другом. Поезд тронулся. Выпили. Закусили. Кто-то между делом, невзначай предложил сыграть в карты. Предложили сыграть и женщине. Она категорически отказалась, сославшись на то, что не играет в карты на деньги. Мы уже разгорячились от алкоголя, и я предложил сыграть на интерес: если она проигрывает, один из нас занимается с ней любовью, если выигрывает, то все трое целуют её в попку. – Ну, и как? – спрашивает проводник. – Тьфу, тьфу. Как она играла! Как она играла!

      Словом, вышло, как у Н. Грибачёва в рассказе «Лещи ушли»: «Мы вернулись подавленные и пристыженные — подумать только, студентка института побила таких прожженных рыбаков, как мы!»

   Разговор двух прожжённых  воров—карманников: — Ты не представляешь, до чего всё-таки упали нравы в Самаре. — А что случилось? — Вчера залез в карман к одному очкастому интеллигенту, и что ж ты думаешь? Он ухитрился снять с моего пальца золотой перстень!!!

       Прожжённость – знак качества, подтверждение опытности, закоренелости и махровости. Жаль, но обычно прожжённость ассоциируется с непотребными, асоциальными людьми:   прожженный авантюрист,  прожженный бестия, прожженный взяточник,  прожженный вор, прожженный делец, прожженный деляга, прожженный жулик, прожженный карьерист, прожженный кляузник, прожженный мошенник,  прожженный негодяй, обманщик, плут, пройдоха,  проходимец и скандалист.

      Почему именно преступников разного рода называют прожжёнными?

      «Прожжённый» — свидетельствует о жестоких обычаях прошлого: в XVIII веке преступников клеймили раскаленным железом. Метку ставили на щеке или на лбу. Выражения «заклеймить позором (презрением)», «прожженный плут (мошенник)» имеют то же происхождение. Многие народы клеймили своих преступников. Например, в Древнем Риме злоумышленники подвергались этой процедуре за оговор — на их лбу выжигали букву К (первая буква латинского слова kalumniator — клеветник). В России Императрица Елизавета указом от 1746 года ввела клеймение на лбу, чтобы преступники «от прочих добрых и не подозрительных людей отличны были». От того же обычные расправы с преступниками – выжигания клейма – пошли выражения: заклеймить позором (презрением) и слово прожженный – прожженный плут, мошенник и т.п. Наложение клейма и штемпельных знаков на лицо было упразднено лишь в 1863 году, спустя два года после отмены крепостного права.

  Наверное, самое известное клеймо упомянуто в «Трех мушкетерах» Дюма — там на плече обольстительной леди Винтер горела лилия, клеймо королевской Франции. В Англии в XVII веке клеймили воров: пойманному в первый раз у основания большого пальца выжигали литеру «T» — первую букву слова «thief», т.е. «вор», если же он попадался во второй раз его беспощадно вешали.Такое применялось к тем, кто пытался воспользоваться т.н. «неподсудностью духовенства светскому суду», заявлял о том. что он грамотный. Но в ряде случаев взятки помогали преступнику, палач мог их «заклеймить» и холодным клеймом. Во Франции знаменитый Видок — первый начальник французской тайной полиции Сюртэ, бывший каторжник, имел на плече литеру «G» — «galera», как тогда называли каторгу.

      Прожженность – свидетельство профессионализма. Когда в любимом занятии что-то не ладится, прожжённость может бурно огорчаться. Один прожжённый рыбак рассказывает, как к нему в гости приехал за Большой рыбой его друг Курт из Германии, такой же прожженный рыбак, как и он сам: — Курт — большой любитель рыбалки, настолько большой, что при слове РЫБА он делает стойку и с затуманившимся взором начинает пускать слюни. Познакомились мы с ним в Германии, довелось мне там работать по контракту в начале 90. Русский матерный он знает в совершенстве (моя заслуга), русский разговорный со словарем. И вот захотелось ему как-то поймать БОЛЬШУЮ РЫБУ.

     Когда рыба сорвалась, Курт вскакивает, с остервенением плюет себе под ноги и разражается речью. Что это была за речь!!! На двух языках, с пляской и жестикуляцией, с подпрыгиваниями и подвываниями, с пробежками вокруг костра и потрясанием кулаком в сторону камышей. Мы с дедом с восхищением заслушались, причем дед внимал, открыв рот и с уважением покачивая головой в такт словам. Ну что это была за речь!!! По-моему, даже жерех и щуки на кукане, и те заслушались. Да, с момента нашей последней встречи Курт значительно опередил своего учителя, т.е. меня. Ему и в подметки теперь не годились сантехники, сапожники и слесари. Из его уст лилась МУЗЫКА!!! По-русски из этой речи мелькало лишь одно цензурное слово — рыба, а по-немецки вообще одни предлоги.

        Прожжённость – тату отъявленности, патентованности и опытности. Правда и с прожженностью происходят забавные случаи:

       Прожжённый медвежатник грабит банк. Подходит к сейфу и видит надпись: «Пожалуйста, не ломайте сейф. Просто откройте дверцу. Сейф не заперт».  Потянул он за дверцу… И тут же ему на голову свалился офигенный куль с песком, завыла сирена и замигали лампочки. Очнулся вор в воронке и сказал: — Мда, моя вера в честность людей сильно пошатнулась…

      Прожжённого карманника-рецидивиста сбил на улице мотоцикл и умчался с места происшествия. К пострадавшему подъезжает полицейский. — Вы запомнили его номер? — Нет, — хрипит пострадавший, — но вот его бумажник.

      А как выглядит полицейский дорожный инспектор – прожжённый взяточник?

     Полицейский каждый день останавливал за превышение скорости человека на Бентли,  получал 100 долларов, и так происходило каждый день. Однажды он по привычке останавливает Бентли,  приоткрывается наглухо тонированное стекло. Инспектор под козырек: — Инспектор Петров, ваши документы. Из Бентли высовывается рука с пятитысячной купюрой, инспектор прячет её в нагрудный карман. Инспектор: — Всего хорошего, постарайтесь больше не нарушать… Из окна появляется следующая купюра того же достоинства. — И, будьте внимательны, через два квартала ещё один экипаж. Снова пятитысячная. Инспектор вглядывается в номер машины: — Я здесь работаю вторник/четверг с 8 утра и до 15:00, я ваш номер запомнил, в эти дни можете ездить спокойно… Снова купюра в пять тысяч. Гаишник: — Счастья, здоровья Вам, умных детей, успехов в бизнесе, чтоб собака на конкурсах побеждала и т.п. Снова рука с купюрой. Инспектор некоторое время стоит в замешательстве, затем прокашливается и произносит: — А сейчас — стихи! Сергей Есенин. — Не жалею, не зову, не плачу…

Петр Ковалев 2015 год
Другие статьи автора: https://podskazki.info/karta-statej/


Прожженный — это… Что такое прожженный?

Валя невольно бросил взгляд на свой халат — прожженный, с оторванной пуговицей, вполне заслуженный халат молодого химика.

У меня есть друг — он принц, и Верона его родина, однако жил он среди пригородных поездов, белых домиков с тисами в палисаднике, среди улиц и контор Нью-Йорка и носил зеленую фетровую шляпу и потертый плащ, туго перетянутый поясом и прожженный на рукаве.

Требовать, чтобы мы поверили, будто прожженный делец замыслит самоубийство с целью отправить на виселицу собственного секретаря, это уже чересчур, и нет смысла приводить в пример нашумевший Кемпденский процесс, когда некий Джон Перри обвинил свою мать, брата и сестру в убийстве человека, который впоследствии оказался цел и невредим, в надежде отправить их на виселицу, несмотря на то, что ему самому пришлось бы разделить их участь, как оно и случилось.

Залежанный диван, прожженный в нескольких местах, засаленные тусклые обои, висящие по углам клочьями, да три гвоздя в стене.

За ней Сачковский, интеллигентного вида мужик в очках, прожженный журналюга, с которым я знаком с тех пор, когда он написал про меня статью.

я открою глаза, увижу прожженный верх палатки, услышу шум речного переката, потрескивание лиственного сушняка в костре…

Не бестия пришел во власть, не прожженный делец, не прохиндей, каких не сыскать во всем белом свете, не ловелас, что ради бабьей юбки готов променять отчизну, но самый-то заурядный человеченко с дьявольской метою на лице, продавший душу свою за тридцать сребреников, пред которым сам бы Иуда стал святой невинной простотою.

Когда-то я был таким же, как вы: прожженный атеист, уверенный в себе и в завтрашнем дне, искрящийся оптимизмом и желающий знать всё.

И только когда старый слуга брал в руки этот простой шерстяной, местами заштопанный, местами прожженный пороховыми искрами плащ, его память стряхивала с себя наваждение сонной жизни и юношеское волнение заставляло трепетать сердце двухсотпятидесятифунтового гиганта.

Значение слова «Прожженный» в 10 онлайн словарях Даль, Ожегов, Ефремова и др. Поделиться значением слова:

ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ, -ая, -ое; -ен (разг.). Самый отъявленный. П. плут. || сущ. прожженность, -и, ж.

  1. прил. разг.
    1. Отъявленный в плутнях.
  2. прил.
    1. Из прич. по значению глаг.: прожечь (1а.

ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ жьжё, прожжённая, прожжённое; прожжён, прожжена, прожжено. прич. страд. прош. вр. от прожечь во всех ·знач., кроме 4. Дырочка, прожженная искрой от паровоза.

матерый, пронзенный, махровый, густопсовый, большой руки, записной, завзятый, отъявленный, девяносто шестой пробы, продувной, патентованный, пронизанный, закоренелый, пропаленный, высшей пробы, первой руки, чистой пробы, чистопробный

прилотъявленныйобладающий каким-либо отрицательным качеством в очень высокой степени

См. плут» title=’плут, плут синонимы, синонимы к плут, словарь русских синонимов’>плут…

густопсовый, закоренелый, матерый, махровый, отъявленный, продувной, пронзенный, пронизанный, пропаленный, чистопробный


Поделиться значением слова: logo

прожжённый — это… Что такое прожжённый?

  • прожжённый — прожжённый, прожжённая, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённой, прожжённого, прожжённых, прожжённому, прожжённой, прожжённому, прожжённым, прожжённый, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённых,… …   Формы слов

  • ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ — [жьжё], прожжённая, прожжённое; прожжён, прожжена, прожжено. прич. страд. прош. вр. от прожечь во всех знач., кроме 4. Дырочка, прожженная искрой от паровоза. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ — ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ, ая, ое; ён (разг.). Самый отъявленный. П. плут. | сущ. прожжённость, и, жен. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • прожжённый — прожжённый, ён, ена, ено, ены …   Русское словесное ударение

  • прожжённый — прожжённый; кратк. форма прич. ён, ен а …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • прожжённый — ая, ое. а) Самый отъявленный. Прожжённый негодяй. б) отт. Очень опытный, много повидавший. Прожжённый политик, дипломат. Прожжённый плут, авантюрист (презрит.) …   Словарь многих выражений

  • прожжённый — ён, ена прожжённый, ён, ена …   Словарь употребления буквы Ё

  • прожжённый — прич.; кр.ф. прожжён, прожжена/, жжено/, жжены/ …   Орфографический словарь русского языка

  • прожжённый — ая, ое. 1. прич. страд. прош. от прожечь. 2. в знач. прил. разг. Самый отъявленный. Прожженный плут. □ Я сам в молодости такой прожженный негодяй был, что днем с огнем поискать. И карты, и пьянство, и дебош всего было! Салтыков Щедрин, Мелочи… …   Малый академический словарь

  • (прожжённый )девственник —    Даже я в душе прожжённый девственник…    http://pda.spbgu.ru/t33446 150.html …   Словарь оксюморонов русского языка

  • прожжённый — это… Что такое прожжённый?

  • прожжённый — прожжённый, прожжённая, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённой, прожжённого, прожжённых, прожжённому, прожжённой, прожжённому, прожжённым, прожжённый, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённых,… …   Формы слов

  • ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ — [жьжё], прожжённая, прожжённое; прожжён, прожжена, прожжено. прич. страд. прош. вр. от прожечь во всех знач., кроме 4. Дырочка, прожженная искрой от паровоза. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ — ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ, ая, ое; ён (разг.). Самый отъявленный. П. плут. | сущ. прожжённость, и, жен. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • прожжённый — прожжённый, ён, ена, ено, ены …   Русское словесное ударение

  • прожжённый — ая, ое. а) Самый отъявленный. Прожжённый негодяй. б) отт. Очень опытный, много повидавший. Прожжённый политик, дипломат. Прожжённый плут, авантюрист (презрит.) …   Словарь многих выражений

  • прожжённый — ён, ена прожжённый, ён, ена …   Словарь употребления буквы Ё

  • прожжённый — прич.; кр.ф. прожжён, прожжена/, жжено/, жжены/ …   Орфографический словарь русского языка

  • прожжённый — ая, ое. 1. прич. страд. прош. от прожечь. 2. в знач. прил. разг. Самый отъявленный. Прожженный плут. □ Я сам в молодости такой прожженный негодяй был, что днем с огнем поискать. И карты, и пьянство, и дебош всего было! Салтыков Щедрин, Мелочи… …   Малый академический словарь

  • прожжённый — про/жж/ённ/ый …   Морфемно-орфографический словарь

  • (прожжённый )девственник —    Даже я в душе прожжённый девственник…    http://pda.spbgu.ru/t33446 150.html …   Словарь оксюморонов русского языка

  • прожженный — Толковый словарь Ефремовой

    I прил. разг.

    Отъявленный в плутнях.

    II прил.

    Источник: Современный толковый словарь русского языка на Gufo.me

    Значения в других словарях

    1. прожженный — ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ [жьжё], прожжённая, прожжённое; прожжён, прожжена, прожжено. прич. страд. прош. вр. от прожечь во всех ·знач., кроме 4. Дырочка, прожженная искрой от паровоза. Толковый словарь Ушакова
    2. прожженный — ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ -ая, -ое. Самый отъявленный. П. негодяй. // Очень опытный, много повидавший. П. политик, дипломат. П. плут, авантюрист (презрит.). Толковый словарь Кузнецова
    3. прожженный — прил., кол-во синонимов… Словарь синонимов русского языка
    4. прожженный — • ~ авантюрист • ~ бестия • ~ взяточник • ~ вор • ~ делец • ~ деляга • ~ жулик • ~ карьерист • ~ кляузник • ~ ловелас • ~ мошенник • ~ негодяй • ~ обманщик • ~ плут • ~ пройдоха • ~ проныра • ~ проходимец • ~ сердцеед • ~ скандалист • ~ спекулянт • ~ стяжатель • ~ шалопай Словарь русской идиоматики
    5. прожженный — (негодяй) — прошедший через огонь Ср. Я сам — вот как видите — я сам в молодости такой прожженный негодяй был, что днем с огнем поискать. И карты, и пьянство и дебош — все было! Салтыков. Мелочи жизни. 2, 4. См. сквозь огонь и воду. См. этого и днем со свечой не отыскать. См. дебош. Фразеологический словарь Михельсона
    6. прожженный — см. >> плут Словарь синонимов Абрамова

    прожжённый — Малый академический словарь

    -ая, -ое.

    1. прич. страд. прош. от прожечь.


    в знач. прил. разг. Самый отъявленный.

    Прожженный плут.

    — Я сам в молодости такой прожженный негодяй был, что днем с огнем поискать. И карты, и пьянство, и дебош — всего было! Салтыков-Щедрин, Мелочи жизни.

    || Очень опытный.

    Мы вернулись подавленные и пристыженные — подумать только, студентка института побила таких прожженных рыбаков, как мы! Грибачев, Лещи ушли.

    Источник: Малый академический словарь на Gufo.me

    Значения в других словарях

    1. прожжённый — орф. прожжённый; кр. ф. прич. -ён, -ена Орфографический словарь Лопатина
    2. прожжённый — прожжённый I прил. разг. Отъявленный в плутнях. II прил. Прич. по гл. прожечь Толковый словарь Ефремовой
    3. прожжённый — Прожжённый, прожжённая, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённой, прожжённого, прожжённых, прожжённому, прожжённой, прожжённому, прожжённым, прожжённый, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённые, прожжённого, прожжённую, прожжённое, прожжённых… Грамматический словарь Зализняка
    4. прожжённый — прожжённый кр. ф. -ён, -ена, -ено Орфографический словарь. Одно Н или два?
    5. прожжённый — ПРОЖЖЁННЫЙ, ая, ое; ён (разг.). Самый отъявленный. П. плут. | сущ. прожжённость, и, ж. Толковый словарь Ожегова
    6. прожжённый — Про/жж/ённ/ый. Морфемно-орфографический словарь
    7. прожжённый — прил., кол-во синонимов: 1 прожженный 22 Словарь синонимов русского языка

    90000 Man Scorch Review (UPDATE: 2020) 90001 90002 Man Scorch is an appetite suppressant and fat burner product. The product claims to be effective because of its inclusion of ingredients known to be successful. But are the potential side effects worth the benefits? 90003 90002 Though the product includes promising ingredients, many can result in negative side effects when combined with caffeine or certain herbs. To get a better understanding of the science behind the product, our research team decided to investigate.Here’s what they found out in their research. 90003 90002 Man Scorch can be purchased through their Official Site. 90003 90002 Overview 90003 90010 What is MAN Scorch? 90011 90002 MAN Scorch is a fat burner and appetite suppressant that consists primarily of stimulants. MAN Scorch is made in limited quantity by a small business, Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition (MAN). The micro-batch process allows the company to produce a product that the company claims is a higher quality, highly effective fat burner, different than those products manufactured in mass production facilities.90003 90002 The current MAN Scorch is a reformulation of a previous version because several prior ingredients were deemed illegal. 90003 90002 90017 90017 90003 90002 90021 90022 MAN Scorch claims that it: 90023 90024 90003 90026 90027 Contains nutrients to burn fat including raspberry ketones, EGCG, evodiamine, synephrine and many more 90028 90027 Increases the resting metabolic rate to burn fat quickly 90028 90027 Helps maintain a normal and healthy appetite 90028 90027 Helps maintain mental clarity, concentration, and mood 90028 90027 Helps prevent excessive water loss and maintain lean body mass 90028 90037 90002 MAN Scorch fat burner has been on the market for a while, and the reviews range from very positive to very negative.90003 90040 Man Scorch Competitors 90041 × 90022 Explanation of Price 90023 90002 This is how much it costs to start on the respective program. We always recommend trying a product before making a large investment. 90003 90026 90027 90048 = Initial product cost is less than $ 5 90028 90027 90048 90048 = Initial product cost is between $ 6 and $ 50 90028 90027 90048 90048 90048 = Initial product cost is between $ 51 and $ 150 90028 90027 90048 90048 90048 90048 90048 = Initial product cost is $ 151 or more 90028 90037 90010 About the Company 90011 90002 MAN, an acronym for Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition, is a supplement company based in Texas.This company produces a wide variety of products aimed at both men and women including protein and pre-workout products, fat burners, sleeping supplements, and even insulin-support products. The company backs its products with a 30-day money-back guarantee for each product proving that the company has a lot of confidence in what it offers. 90003 90002 Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year. 90003 90002 Where to Buy 90003 90010 Where to Buy MAN Scorch 90011 90002 The cheapest online retailer is Amazon, which sells MAN Scorch for only $ 25.64. MAN Scorch can also be purchased at GNC. Each bottle contains a 28-day supply or 168 pills. 90003 90002 MAN Scorch is also available on the official MAN Sports website for $ 34.99. 90003 90010 How Does MAN Scorch Work? 90011 90002 MAN Scorch works by boosting energy which will cause the body to burn additional calories. The energy boost makes the body more active causing it to burn more calories than on a normal day. 90003 90002 Most of the MAN Scorch ingredients are stimulants. Some of these ingredients have clinical studies supporting their approved use and providing evidence that they are effective, but one ingredient can be dangerous.The stimulant synephrine may be harmful to some users. It is used as a replacement for the harmful ingredient ephedrine, which was banned in some countries due to its negative side effects. Synephrine does not have the same negative side effects as ephedrine, but there is a possibility that taking MAN Scorch can result in unpleasant or harmful side effects. 90003 90002 Ingredients 90003 90010 MAN Scorch Ingredients and How They Work 90011 90002 MAN Scorch should be taken twice a day, with a dosage of three capsules per serving.An individual taking MAN Scorch should leave four hours between doses and make sure the last one is taken before 4 p.m. to avoid problems with sleep. 90003 90002 90021 90022 MAN Scorch ingredients are as follows: 90023 90024 90003 90040 Green Tea: 90041 90002 This is the most abundant ingredient in the supplement. The green tea catechins are believed to help improve weight-loss results, according to research in the 90021 International Journal of Obesity 90024. 90003 90002 However, not all research supports the idea that green tea can induce or support weight loss, according to a review in 90021 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 90024.90003 90040 Oolong Tea: 90041 90002 The caffeine in oolong tea helps accelerate metabolism and energy expenditure leading to weight loss, says research in 90021 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 90024. 90003 90040 Caffeine USP: 90041 90002 This ingredient is the most popular stimulant drug in the world. We know caffeine increases energy, but it can also improve muscle power, according to 90021 the European Journal of Sports Sciences 90024. 90003 90040 Raspberry Ketones: 90041 90002 Although they are a common ingredient in many supplements claiming to have weight loss effects, raspberry ketones have never been proven to be effective for weight loss.Some mild MAN Scorch results have been seen in laboratory rats, but no scientific data has been generated yet on their effect in humans. 90003 90040 Evodiamine: 90041 90002 There is tons of research on evodiamine, but very little in terms of weight loss. Based on research in the journal 90021 Endocrinology 90024, evodiamine «has a potential to prevent the development of diet-induced obesity …» 90003 90040 Ginger Root: 90041 90002 A few tests have been done on ginger root to determine its weight loss properties, and these seem to verify the theory that it does help.It may also help the brain and nervous system control nausea, according to 90021 Food Chemistry 90024. 90003 90040 Synephrine: 90041 90002 Also known as bitter orange, synephrine can be harmful to the body when used together with other ingredients such as green tea and caffeine, leading to high blood pressure and heart problems, according to research in 90021 Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 90024 . There is not enough evidence to state that synephrine leads to weight loss, and the confirmed negative effects of it outweigh its potential benefits in this type of fat burning supplement.90003 90002 Side Effects 90003 90010 Does MAN Scorch Have any Side Effects? 90011 90002 MAN Scorch can cause unwanted side effects as it contains eight stimulants. The most common MAN Scorch side effects include: 90003 90026 90027 Mild persistent sweating 90028 90027 Dry mouth or bad breath 90028 90027 Hyperactivity and a rapid heartbeat 90028 90037 90002 Most of the above MAN Scorch side effects will pass in the first week; if they continue longer the dosage should be decreased, or a doctor should be consulted.90003 90002 The use of synephrine can lead to a greater risk of negative side effects. As per WebMD, the combination of green tea and oolong tea opens the door to the potential for long-term issues resulting from the use of MAN Scorch such as: 90003 90026 90027 Increased risk of high blood pressure 90028 90027 Fainting 90028 90027 Headaches (migraines , cluster headache, etc) 90028 90037 90010 Directions 90011 90002 The dosage on MAN Scorch is high requiring an individual to take three tablets twice a day, for a total of six tablets a day.However, it’s recommended to start with 1-2 tablets to work your way up. 90003 90002 90174 90174 90003 90002 Pros & Cons 90003 90010 Pros and Cons of MAN Scorch 90011 90040 90022 Pros: 90023 90041 90026 90027 It contains many natural ingredients that are believed to work. 90028 90027 MAN offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for any unsatisfied customer. 90028 90037 90040 90022 Cons: 90023 90041 90026 90027 Six capsules a day should be taken to obtain the full benefit. 90028 90027 It has several useless or unproven ingredients in its composition.90028 90027 The formula of Bioperine mixed with other stimulants can have detrimental side effects for people with a tendency to suffer from heart disease. 90028 90027 The use of synephrine can be problematic when mixed with herbs containing caffeine. 90028 90027 The two daily servings should be taken before 4 p.m. to ensure there are no sleep problems. 90028 90037 90002 MAN Scorch, although a somewhat popular fat burner, is not the best product on the market to help someone lose weight. There are several ingredients included in the product that have not been proven to help people lose weight.90003 90209 90002 «Love this product! It slows the appetite enough to help with self control and making better food choices. It does not make you jittery. If you cycle on 4 weeks and off 2 like it says to, it does not lose the effectiveness. » 90003 90212 Rebecca 90213 90214 90209 90002 «Energy was good, but still felt hungry sometimes.» 90003 90212 Lige 90213 90214 90209 90002 «I’m not really seeing results in terms of pounds gone but I take it in place of coffee in the morning and it keeps me going.»90003 90212 Kinsey 90213 90214 90002 Bottom Line 90003 90010 The Bottom Line on Man Scorch 90011 90002 Should we rush out for this one? We were pretty interested in the claims Man Scorch made since several ingredients have promise and a couple have proven track records. This product has the potential to be effective — it needs some fine-tuning. Be that as it may, the disappointment lies in the side effects, spotty results, and the price. We think the cost is a bit steep for a mixture that does not offer much of a trustworthy guarantee.90003 90002 For those who do need to burn off some extra weight, however, we recommend finding a program that offers reliable results. 90003 90002 Among the best products we’ve seen this year is one called 90022 Noom 90023. It has given us a pleasant surprise lately by using clinically-proven weight-loss techniques to help men and women reach their weight-loss goals. 90003 90002 Also a good sign: the makers of Noom are offering a 90022 free trial 90023. 90003 Learn More About Noom ».90000 90001 Isaiah 9:19 By the wrath of the LORD of Hosts the land is scorched, and the people are fuel for the fire. No man even spares his brother. 90002 90003 New International Version 90004 By the wrath of the LORD Almighty the land will be scorched and the people will be fuel for the fire; they will not spare one another.New Living Translation 90004 The land will be blackened by the fury of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. The people will be fuel for the fire, and no one will spare even his own brother.English Standard Version 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts the land is scorched, and the people are like fuel for the fire; no one spares another.Berean Study Bible 90004 By the wrath of the LORD of Hosts the land is scorched, and the people are fuel for the fire. No man even spares his brother.New American Standard Bible 90004 By the fury of the LORD of hosts the land is burned up, And the people are like fuel for the fire; No man spares his brother.New King James Version 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts The land is burned up, And the people shall be as fuel for the fire; No man shall spare his brother.King James Bible 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.Christian Standard Bible 90004 The land is scorched by the wrath of the LORD of Armies, and the people are like fuel for the fire. No one has compassion on his brother.Contemporary English Version 90004 The LORD All-Powerful was angry and used the people as fuel for a fire that scorched the land. They turned against each other Good News Translation 90004 Because the LORD Almighty is angry, his punishment burns like a fire throughout the land and destroys the people, and it is each of us for ourselves.Holman Christian Standard Bible 90004 The land is scorched by the wrath of the LORD of Hosts, and the people are like fuel for the fire. No one has compassion on his brother. International Standard Version 90004 From the wrath of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies the land has been scorched, and the people have become like fuel for the fire; no one will spare his neighbor.NET Bible 90004 Because of the anger of the LORD who commands armies, the land was scorched, and the people became fuel for the fire.People had no compassion on one another. New Heart English Bible 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts, the land is burnt up; and the people are the fuel for the fire. No one spares his brother.GOD’S WORD® Translation 90004 The land is scorched by the fury of the LORD of Armies, and the people are like fuel for the fire. No one shows concern for others: JPS Tanakh 1917 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land burnt up; The people also are as the fuel of fire; No man spareth his brother.New American Standard 1977 90004 By the fury of the LORD of hosts the land is burned up, And the people are like fuel for the fire; No man spares his brother.King James 2000 Bible 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land burned, and the people shall be as the fuel for the fire: no man shall spare his brother.American King James Version 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.American Standard Version 90004 Through the wrath of Jehovah of hosts is the land burnt up; and the people are as the fuel of fire: no man spareth his brother.Brenton Septuagint Translation 90004 The whole earth is set on fire because of the fierce anger of the Lord, and the people shall be as men burnt by fire: no man shall pity his brother.Douay-Rheims Bible 90004 By the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is troubled, and the people shall be as fuel for the fire: no man shall spare his brother.Darby Bible Translation 90004 Through the wrath of Jehovah of hosts is the land burned up, and the people is as fuel for fire: a man spareth not his brother; English Revised Version 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land burnt up : the people also are as the fuel of fire; no man spareth his brother.Webster’s Bible Translation 90004 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.World English Bible 90004 Through the wrath of Yahweh of Armies, the land is burnt up; and the people are the fuel for the fire.No one spares his brother.Young’s Literal Translation 90004 In the wrath of Jehovah of Hosts Hath the land been consumed, And the people is as fuel of fire; A man on his brother hath no pity, 90031 90032 Study Bible 90033 90034 Judgment Against Israel’s Unrepentance 90004 18For wickedness burns like a fire that consumes the thorns and briers and kindles the forest thickets which roll upward in billows of smoke. 19By the wrath of the LORD of Hosts the land is scorched, and the people are fuel for the fire.Not one will spare his brother. 20They carve out what is on the right, but they are still hungry; they eat what is on the left, but they are still not satisfied. Each one devours the flesh of his own offspring. … 90031 Cross References 90034 Isaiah 1:31 90004 The strong man will become tinder and his work will be a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the flames.Isaiah 3: 5 90004 The people will oppress one another, man against man, neighbor against neighbor; the young will rise up against the old, and the base against the honorable.Isaiah 4: 4 90004 when the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and cleansed the bloodstains from the heart of Jerusalem by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire.Isaiah 5:24 90004 Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes straw and dry grass shrivels in the flame, so their roots will decay and their blossoms will blow away like dust; for they have rejected the instruction of the LORD of Hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.Isaiah 10: 6 90004 I will send him against a godless nation; I will dispatch him against a people destined for My rage, to take spoils and seize plunder, and to trample them down like clay in the streets.Isaiah 13: 9 90004 Behold, the Day of the LORD is coming — cruel, with fury and burning anger — to make the earth a desolation and to destroy the sinners within it.Isaiah 13:13 90004 Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken from its place at the wrath of the LORD of Hosts on the day of His burning anger.Isaiah 24: 6 90004 Therefore a curse has consumed the earth, and its inhabitants must bear the guilt; the earth’s dwellers have been burned, and only a few survive.Isaiah 26:11 90004 O LORD, Your hand is upraised, but they do not see it.They will see Your zeal for Your people, and be put to shame. The fire set for Your enemies will consume them! Isaiah 33:14 90004 The sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling grips the ungodly: «Who of us can dwell with a consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting flames?» Isaiah 42:25 90004 So He poured out on them His furious anger and the fierceness of battle. It enveloped them in flames, but they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.Ezekiel 20:47 90004 Say to the forest of the Negev: Hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I am about to ignite in you a fire, and it will devour all your trees, both green and dry.The blazing flame will not be quenched, and by it every face from south to north will be scorched.Joel 2: 3 90004 Before them a fire devours, and behind them a flame scorches. The land before them is like the Garden of Eden, but behind them, it is like a desert wasteland — surely nothing will escape them.Obadiah 1:18 90004 Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire, and the house of Joseph a burning flame; but the house of Esau will be stubble — Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it. Therefore no survivor will remain from the house of Esau.»For the LORD has spoken.Micah 7: 2 90004 The godly man has perished from the earth; there is no one upright among men. They all lie in wait for blood; they hunt each other with a net.Micah 7: 6 90004 For a son dishonors his father, a daughter rises against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are the members of his own household.Zechariah 11: 6 90004 For I will no longer have compassion on the people of the land, «declares the LORD,» but behold, I will cause each man to fall into the hand of his neighbor and of his king, who will devastate the land, and I will not deliver it from their hands.»Malachi 4: 1 90004″ For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble; the day is coming when I will set them ablaze, «says the LORD of Hosts.» Not a root or branch will be left to them. «90031 Treasury of Scripture 90034 90031 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother. 90034 90031 is the land 90034 90031 90032 Isaiah 5:30 90033 And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if 90065 one 90066 look unto the land, behold darkness 90065 and 90066 sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.90034 90031 90032 Isaiah 8:22 90033 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and 90065 they shall be 90066 driven to darkness. 90034 90031 90032 Isaiah 24: 11,12 90033 90065 There is 90066 a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone … 90034 90031 fuel. 90034 90031 90032 Isaiah 9: 5 90033 For every battle of the warrior 90065 is 90066 with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but 90065 this 90066 shall be with burning 90065 and 90066 fuel of fire.90034 90031 no man 90034 90031 90032 Isaiah 13:18 90033 90065 Their 90066 bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. 90034 90031 90032 Ezekiel 9: 5 90033 And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: 90034 90031 90032 Micah 7: 2,6 90033 The good 90065 man 90066 is perished out of the earth: and 90065 there is 90066 none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net … 90034 90031 Lexicon 90034 By the wrath 90004 בְּעֶבְרַ֛ת (bə · ‘eḇ · raṯ) 90004 Preposition-b | Noun — feminine singular construct 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 5678: Overflow, arrogance, fury 90031 of the LORD 90004 יְהוָ֥ה (Yah · weh) 90004 Noun — proper — masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 3069: YHWH 90034 90031 of Hosts 90004 צְבָא֖וֹת (ṣə · ḇā · ‘ō · wṯ) 90004 Noun — common plural 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 6635: A mass of persons, reg, organized for, war, a campaign 90034 90031 the land 90004 אָ֑רֶץ (‘ ā · reṣ) 90004 Noun — feminine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 776 : Earth, land 90034 90031 is scorched, 90004 נֶעְתַּ֣ם (ne ‘· tam) 90004 Verb — Nifal — Perfect — third person masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 6272: To glow, be desolated 90034 90031 and the people 90004 הָעָם֙ (hā ·’ ām ) 90004 Article | Noun — masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 5971: ​​A people, a tribe, troops, attendants, a flock 90034 90031 are 90004 וַיְהִ֤י (way · hî) 90004 Conjunctive waw | Verb — Qal — Consecutive imperfect — third person masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 1961: Додати To fall out, come to pass, become, be 90034 90031 fuel 90004 כְּמַאֲכֹ֣לֶת (kə · ma · ‘ă · ḵō · leṯ) 90004 Preposition-k | Noun — feminine singular construct 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 3980: Something eaten, fuel 90034 90031 for the fire.90004 אֵ֔שׁ ( ‘êš) 90004 Noun — common singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 784: A fire 90034 90031 Not 90004 לֹ֥א (lō) 90004 Adverb — Negative particle 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 3808: Not, no 90034 90031 one 90004 אִ֥ישׁ (‘ îš) 90004 Noun — masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 376: A man as an individual, a male person 90034 90031 will spare 90004 יַחְמֹֽלוּ: (yaḥ · mō · lū) 90004 Verb — Qal — Imperfect — third person masculine plural 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 2550: To commiserate, to spare 90034 90031 his brother.90004 אָחִ֖יו ( ‘ā · ḥîw) 90004 Noun — masculine singular construct | third person masculine singular 90004 Strong’s Hebrew 251: A brother,) 90004 90034 (19, 20) Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened. . .— The vision of darkness and famine which had come before the prophet’s eyes in Isaiah 8:21 appears once again, and here, as there, it is a question whether the words are to be understood literally or figuratively. The definiteness of the language of Isaiah 9:20 suggests the thoughts of the horrors of a famine like that of Samaria (2Kings 6: 28-29), or of Deuteronomy 28: 53-57; Zechariah 11: 9.But even that scene of horror might be only typical of a state of chaos and confusion pervading the whole order of society, fierce passions, jealousies, rivalries working out the destruction of the nation’s life; such as Thucydides (iii. 82-84) has painted as the result of the Peloponnesian war. The mention of Ephraim and Manasseh as conspicuous in the self-destructive work confirms the figurative interpretation. They were devouring «the flesh of their own arm» when they allowed their old tribal jealousies (Judges 8: 1; Judges 12: 1-4; 2Samuel 19:43) to break up the unity of the nation.90031 And they together shall be against Judah .— This formed the climax of the whole. The only power of union that showed itself in the northern kingdom was to perpetuate the great schism in which it had its origin. The idea that Israel as such was a nation was forgotten. Ephraim and Manasseh could join in a common expedition against Judah when they could join in nothing else. Of this the alliance of Pekah with Rezin was the most striking instance (2Chronicles 28: 6-15). Traces of internal division are found in the conspiracy of the Gileadites of the trans-Jordanic district of Manasseh, against Pekah’s predecessor in Samaria (2Kings 15:25).90034 Verse 19. — Is the land darkened; rather, burst up (συγκέκαυται, LXX.). The root used occurs in Arabic in this sense. It is not used elsewhere in Scripture. The people shall be as the fuel of the fire. Though the general ravage, devastation, and desolation of the laud, with its buildings, its trees, and its other vegetable products, is included in the image of the fire devouring the thorny brakes and tangled thickets of a dense forest, yet the threat is intended still more against the Israelite people, who were the true «fuel of the fire,» since the ravage would go on until the land should be depopulated.No man shall spare his brother. We have here a new feature. Not only shall foreign enemies — Syrians and Philistines — dew, up Israel, but the plague of civil war will also be let loose upon them (comp. Ver. 21, and see 2 Kings 15:30 where we find that Pekah fell a victim to a conspiracy headed by Hoshea). 90031 Jump to Previous 90034 Almighty Armies Burned Burnt Consumed Dark Darkened Fire Flesh Food Fuel Fury Hosts Pity Scorched Spare Spares Spareth Wrath 90031 Jump to Next 90034 Almighty Armies Burned Burnt Consumed Dark Darkened Fire Flesh Food Fuel Fury Hosts Pity Scorched Spare Spares Spareth Wrath 90031 Links 90034 Isaiah 9:19 NIV 90004 Isaiah 9:19 NLT 90004 Isaiah 9:19 ESV 90004 Isaiah 9:19 NASB 90004 Isaiah 9:19 KJVIsaiah 9:19 Bible Apps 90004 Isaiah 9:19 Biblia Paralela 90004 Isaiah 9:19 Chinese Bible 90004 Isaiah 9:19 French Bible 90004 Isaiah 9:19 German BibleAlphabetical: Almighty and are be brother burned By fire for fuel fury his hosts is land like LORD man no of one people scorched spare spares the up will wrathOT Prophets: Isaiah 9:19 Through the wrath of Yahweh of Armies (Isa Isi Is) Christian Bible Study Resources, Dictionary, Concordance and Search Tools 90196 90197 .90000 Manchin Scorched from Both Sides After Kavanaugh Vote 90001 90002 CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Danielle Walker cried on Joe Manchin’s shoulder after she shared her story of sexual assault in the senator’s office. She thought he listened. 90003 90002 The 42-year-old Morgantown woman said she was both devastated and furious when Manchin became the only Democrat in the U.S. Senate to support President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. 90003 90002 «I feel raped all over again,» Walker told The Associated Press.90003 90002 A day after Manchin broke with his party on what may be the most consequential vote of the Trump era, the vulnerable Democrat is facing a political firestorm back home. While Republicans — including one of the president’s sons — are on the attack, the most passionate criticism is coming from Manchin’s very own Democratic base, a small but significant portion of the electorate he needs to turn out in force to win re-election next month . A Manchin loss would put his party’s hopes of regaining control of the Senate virtually out of reach.90003 90002 Walker, a first-time Democratic candidate for the state legislature, said she may not vote at all in the state’s high-stakes Senate election. Julia Hamilton, a 30-year-old educator who serves on the executive committee of the Monongalia County Democratic Party, vowed to sit out the Senate race as well. 90003 90002 «At some point you have to draw a line,» Hamilton said. «I have heard from many, many people — especially women. They will not be voting for Manchin either. » 90003 90002 Manchin defended his vote in a Sunday interview as being based on fact, not emotion.He praised the women who shared their stories of sexual trauma, Walker among them, but said he «could not find any type of link or connection» that Kavanaugh was a rapist. 90003 90002 The woman who testified to the Senate about Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, accused him of sexual assault but not rape when they were high school students more than 30 years ago. Two other women stepped forward late in the confirmation process to accuse the appeals court judge of sexual misconduct in high school or college.Their stories resonated with women who had suffered sexual trauma and fueled opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. 90003 90002 «They were not going to be satisfied, or their healing process, until we convicted this person,» Manchin told The Associated Press. «I could not do it. You talk about two wrongs trying to make a right. It just was not in my heart and soul to do that. » 90003 90002 Manchin insisted over and over that his vote was not based on politics. 90003 90002 There is little doubt, however, that his vote was in line with the wishes of many West Virginia voters, who gave Trump a victory in 2016 by 42 percentage points.There simply are not enough Democrats in the state to re-elect Manchin. He needs a significant chunk of Trump’s base to win. 90003 90002 One West Virginia Trump supporter, 74-year-old Linda Ferguson, explained the politics bluntly as she watched the parade at Saturday’s Mountain State Forest Festival in Elkins. 90003 90002 «If he did not vote for Kavanaugh he could have kissed his seat goodbye,» Ferguson said. 90003 90002 While he may have represented the majority of his state, Manchin’s political challenges are far from over.90003 90002 The clash over Kavanaugh, who was confirmed by the Senate on Saturday, has injected new energy into each party’s political base. While that may help Democrats in their fight for the House majority, which is largely taking place in America’s suburbs, there are signs it’s hurting vulnerable Democrats in rural Republican-leaning states like North Dakota, Missouri and West Virginia. Phil Bredesen, who said he would have voted for Kavanaugh, could also face new challenges in his bid to flip Tennessee’s Senate seat to the Democratic column.90003 90002 For much of the year, Manchin has held a significant lead in public and private polls over his Republican opponent, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. Yet Republican operatives familiar with the race report a definite tightening over the last week. 90003 90002 In an interview, Morrisey called Democrats ‘fight against Kavanaugh a «three-ring circus» that «energized a lot of people in West Virginia.» 90003 90002 He acknowledged that Manchin voted the right way for the state, but called the vote «irrelevant» because another swing vote, Maine Republican Sen.Susan Collins, had already given Kavanaugh the final vote he needed. 90003 90002 «He waited until the last possible minute after Susan Collins declared for him to take a position, effectively allowing Maine to decide how West Virginia’s going to decide,» Morrisey charged. «We should not reward that kind of cowardice.» 90003 90002 Echoing the attack, Donald Trump Jr., mockingly called Manchin «a real profile in courage» on Twitter. 90003 90002 When asked about the social media jab, the West Virginia senator slapped away the insult from the younger Trump.90003 90002 Donald Trump Jr. is «entitled to his opinion, he’s just not entitled to his own facts to justify what he’s saying. He does not really know anything, «Manchin told the AP. 90003 90002 The Democrat conceded that he followed Collins ‘lead out of «respect» — he did not want to get in the way of her high-profile Friday afternoon announcement on the Senate floor. 90003 90002 «Nothing would have changed my vote,» Manchin declared. «Susan took the lead, Susan did the due diligence. … She’s going to give her speech and I’m not going to jump in front of 3 o’clock.I’m just not going to do it. » 90003 90002 That was not good enough for Tammy Means, a 57-year-old florist from Charleston, who was among thousands tailgating outside West Virginia University’s football stadium in Morgantown on Saturday. 90003 90002 Means, a registered Democrat who voted for Trump, said she also voted for Manchin in the past. 90003 90002 «I’m not going to anymore. Nope, «she said with a laugh as she sipped a Smirnoff Ice. She’s glad Manchin voted for Kavanaugh, but said, «He’s just doing it so he can get elected.»90003 90002 Across the parking lot, 63-year-old John Vdovjac said he was deeply disappointed by Manchin’s vote. Still, the Democrat said he’d probably vote for Manchin this fall. 90003 90002 «I recognize the position he’s in because the state’s heavily Republican now,» said Vdovjac, a retired educator from Wheeling, as he helped grill hotdogs and hamburgers. «But he’s lost my loyalty. 90003 90002 Manchin knows he needs to explain his vote to his constituents, although he did not have any public events scheduled this weekend.Before and after the AP interview, conducted at Charleston’s International House of Pancakes, he told everyone who would listen — including his waitress — that his Kavanaugh vote was not based on emotion. 90003 90002 «I made my decision based on facts,» the senator told Kevin Estep, a 57-year-old registered Democrat and Trump voter who was eating buttered pancakes with his family. 90003 90002 «You hang in there and vote your heart,» Estep, who lives in nearby St. Albans, told the senator. 90003 90002 After Manchin left the building, Estep warned that the #MeToo movement «is like a dam that’s about to break open.»90003 90002 Asked whether he’d support Manchin this fall, he responded, «Always.» 90003 .90000 Scorched (Scorched, # 1) by Mari Mancusi 90001 90002 WANTED: Good dragon book recommendations. 90003 90004 Like many people out there, I love dragons. It is the reason why I chose to read this book in the first place. Whether they’re European dragons or Asian dragons, I love them all. From Avatar the Last Airbender, to How to Train Your Dragon, to Game of Thrones — they are BAMFs in my book. But I have not read an awesome book about them ever since the fifth grade. (Thank you, Dragon Rider and Dealing with Dragons.) These are the books I know that has awesome d 90005 90002 WANTED: Good dragon book recommendations. 90003 90004 Like many people out there, I love dragons. It is the reason why I chose to read this book in the first place. Whether they’re European dragons or Asian dragons, I love them all. From Avatar the Last Airbender, to How to Train Your Dragon, to Game of Thrones — they are BAMFs in my book. But I have not read an awesome book about them ever since the fifth grade. (Thank you, Dragon Rider and Dealing with Dragons.) These are the books I know that has awesome dragons in them, please tell me which one I should read next, or feel free to add other books onto this list: 90009 — A Game of Thrones, 90009 — The Hobbit, 90009 — Seraphina , 90009 — Eon, 90009 — Dragonflight and 90009 — His Majesty’s Dragon. 90005 90004 Okay, let’s get on with Scorched and why I want to say Dracarys to it. 90005 90004 90019 90005 90004 90002 Disclaimer: This is a did-not-finish for me. I have this book a fair shot (35% — 120 pages out of 340) before giving up.90003 90005 90004 Now, 90009 90027 90005 90004 90002 1) The main characters are unimaginative. 90003 Trinity represents 90% of the female characters in YA. She falls in the category of 90005 90004 90034 90005 90004 You can easily mistake her for Clary from The Mortal Instruments series or Meghan from The Iron Fey series. And guess what all those books have in common? They did not receive good ratings from me. Here she is being cheesy and dependent on a guy she just met: 90005 90004 90002 «90040 Her heart stuttered.He was staying? He was choosing to wait? Even though he said it could be dangerous? Even though he needed to protect the egg? That was, as he said, his number-one priority. His so-called mission to save the world. So, why on Earth would he choose to stay? To keep himself and the egg in danger? 90041 90003 90005 90004 She bit her lower lip. There was only one explanation. For her. «90009 — Page 48 of ARC. 90005 90004 JFC, grow a backbone, would you? This just screams insta-love and a weak character.(By the way, there is a love triangle in the book. I have not reached the official love triangle part yet, but I can feel it. A nice twin and a rebellious twin, cliché battle of the good boy vs the bad boy. ) 90005 90004 And while we’re still on the topic of generic characters, let me show you how Trinity describes Connor: 90005 90004 90002 «90040 But Connor was different. The travesties he’d witnessed had made him strong, not scared. Determined , not demoralized. 90041 «90003 — Page 83 of ARC.90005 90004 90002 Can you imagine if the Book Police told the neighbourhood watch to look for a man that fits the above description? They might round up 85% of the male population in YAville. 90003 90005 90004 And the troubles do not stop there. This book had parts that made no sense to me. Maybe it’s just poorly edited, because it is an ARC. But I’ll show you what I mean: 90005 90004 90002 2) Disconnections upon disconnections. 90003 90009 So you said the government is after us? Oh, okay.I guess we should not be afraid of them if they all did this: 90005 90004 «90040 … three men in black swarmed the empty lot behind them. The men screamed furiously as they all tried to scale the enclosure at once, succeeding only in knocking one another down. 90041 «- Page 40 of ARC. 90005 90004 LOL wut? Was it Rookie Humiliation Day and I was just not aware? 90005 90004 Oh, and we also should not go back to where I live because the people who are after us could already be there. And they are after this egg? Then explain to me why this happened? 90005 90004 «90040 She glared at the egg out in the living room, sitting innocently on the coffee table, where Connor had left it.90041 «- Page 46 of ARC. 90005 90004 Wait. You just left it sitting on the table? Oh wait. I guess it’s because you already locked the door. 90005 90004» 90040 She heard a deadbolt click into place. ‘If we’re going to be waiting here, I’d like to reinforce things a bit,’ [said Connor]. 90041 «- Page 48 of ARC. 90005 90004 90002 YOU MEAN YOU DID NOT EVEN LOCK THE DOOR? 90003 I’m seriously hoping these disconnections are there because secretly Connor is evil and these are tricks he used to get Trinity to trust him.But later on, when they had to leave, Mari Mancusi seems to have forgotten to write in the part where they grab the egg and leave. I was horrified because they had just left the egg on the coffee table. I was relieved to find out later that somehow the egg was in the backpack, even when the author did not describe how the egg got there … False alarm, guys. 90005 90004 90002 3) This book was just not exciting. 90003 In tense moments, the anxiety a reader should feel is no where to be found. It’s either disrupted by Trinity acting stupid, or by some cheesy hand-holding, or by a long paragraph filled with lots of questions.We’ve seen it before in the quote I included in 90002 1) 90003. Now 90040 that 90041 had extra cheese AND never ending questions. This following one is also a downer — warning, sort of spoiler-ish: 90005 90004 «90040 She was alone. 90041 90005 90004 How could he do this to her? Just dump her at the end of the world — with no explanation as to what she was supposed to do? Where she was supposed to go? Was this simply a vision of an event that had already taken place? Or has he actually sent her forward in time? Was she safe and sound in her former home, still gripping Connor’s hands? Or was she really here, her life in danger? » — Pages 85/86 of ARC.90005 90004 When you actually have to put «Was she really here, her life in danger?» down on a page, that really disperses the tension. 90005 90004 -takes deep breath- Okay. That’s it. That is my rant. I appreciate Mari Mancusi for writing a dragon book, because FYEAH DRAGONS. But the writing just does not live up to my standards. 90005 90004 90002 P.S .: The main character’s name is Trinity Foxx. Does that not sound like a stripper / porn star name to you? AND, the nickname people in the future gives her is Fire Kissed.Uh, honey, that is not fierce, but cringe-worthy to me. 90003 90005 90004 In fact, it’s almost as bad as … Moon Moon. 90005.

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